Monday, December 12, 2011


Presenting a Lifestyle

I’ve been spending a great deal of time in Columbus, Ohio with my sisters; you know, the holidays and all.   I don’t know a great deal about Columbus, but I’m learning it  has a great deal to discover.  It’s been fun,  learning all about the restaurants, the mall, watering holes and this fabulous spot called The Swanky Abode.

My sister is a new homeowner who is eager to personalize her space  [YAH-Z!] so we took a quick walk around to check out new home design and furniture shops.  Little did either of us know just what a treat this spot, Swanky was going to be!

This store brings the full concept of   the“pop-up store” to life: a store that has been put in a space/store front for a given amount of time for the intention of selling in a particular area, learn the market/demographics and then move on.    The plan being that the store can "pop-up" anywhere at any given time. The idea of the pop-up is amazing and something we should be seeing more of in the future.  The pop-up allows a community to have something new and exciting and the store an opportunity for exposure.  Swanky combines all of my admiration. I love reclaimed items, mixing the old with the new and offering people something unique.
The Swanky Abode is a family run business and a business within a business.  As a large space with small concept shops within the store, each shop brings unique notions covering so many ideas to fill your home and life.    There is a grouping of kitchen items old and new, furniture, antique cameras, artwork, soaps, glassware, stationary and jewelry.  It has a flea market feeling with a “nuevo chic” appearance. The  current space is large and open with great natural light, allowing you to the opportunity to revel in your finds and open your imagination to how it can work in your home.

Swanky also offers the service of bringing a designer/consultant individual to your home to assess your space, mix  and/or alter your current items with new finds to create a totally new appearance.  Swanky even makes mention of the importance of “home staging” to sell in this very difficult market.

Do yourself the favor of checking Swanky out!
                   Easton Town Center
                   4230 The Strand
                   Columbus OH, 43219
                   Phone:  330.466.7350

The Swanky Abode Blog: Keeping up with the Joneses

Not only for the items mention, but for the overall impression.  With our need to recycle, interest in new views, interesting methods to sell (and for many others to retain their own money), I see The Swanky Abode is the store and concept of the future. 

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